1日遊 : 務必依照出發時間提前抵達集合地點
抵達雪具店,若有預訂雪具請告知櫃台"Booking Reference"
From Melbourne to Mt Buller transportation 每日出發地點及時間
第一站: Melbourne 市區
出發時間Departure Time: 5:30am
地址 Address: 355 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000 ( out front old Melbourne Jail )
Please be ready at 5:20 AM. Our staff will arrive between 5:20 AM - 5:30 AM for your pickup.
第二站: Box Hill
Departure Time: 6:00am
Address: 913 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128, Australia
Please be ready at 5:20 AM. Our staff will arrive between 5:50 AM - 6:00 AM for your pickup.
第三站: Glen Waverley
Departure Time: 6:20am
Address: Glen Waverley Bus Station, 82 Railway Parade N, Glen Waverley VIC 3150, Australia
Please be ready at 6:10 AM. Our staff will arrive between 6:10 AM - 6:20 AM for your pickup.
第四站: Mansfield (在此休息並租借雪具)
Departure Time: 9:00 am
Address: 39 Malcolm St Mansfield VIC 3722 Australia
Please be ready at 8:30 AM. Our staff will arrive between 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM for your pickup.
終點站: Mount Buller
Arrival time: apx 10:10am
Address: Mount Buller bus car park
From Mt Buller to Melbourne transportation 每日回程停靠地點及時間
第一站: Mount Buller - 當天於此集合點集合下山
Departure Time: 16:00pm
Address: Mount Buller bus car park
Please arrive 15 min before departure time.
第二站: Mansfield
Departure Time: 17:10 pm
Address: 39 Malcolm St Mansfield VIC 3722 Australia
第三站: Glen Waverly
Departure Time: 19:40pm
Address: Glen Waverley Bus Station, 82 Railway Parade N, Glen Waverley VIC 3150, Australia
第四站: Box Hill
Departure Time: 20:00pm
Address: 913 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128, Australia
終點站: Melbourne CBD
ArrivelTime: 20:30pm
Address:355 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000 ( out front old Melbourne Jail )
2/3日遊 : 務必依照出發時間提前抵達集合地點
抵達雪具店,若有預訂雪具請告知櫃台"Booking Reference"
當日下午4點由Mt Buller下山返回住宿酒店
隔日早上由酒店出發至Mt Buller
From Melbourne to Mt Buller transportation 每日出發地點及時間
第一站: Melbourne 市區
出發時間Departure Time: 5:30am
地址 Address: 355 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000 ( out front old Melbourne Jail )
Please be ready at 5:20 AM. Our staff will arrive between 5:20 AM - 5:30 AM for your pickup.
第二站: Box Hill
Departure Time: 6:00am
Address: 913 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128, Australia
Please be ready at 5:20 AM. Our staff will arrive between 5:50 AM - 6:00 AM for your pickup.
第三站: Glen Waverley
Departure Time: 6:20am
Address: Glen Waverley Bus Station, 82 Railway Parade N, Glen Waverley VIC 3150, Australia
Please be ready at 6:10 AM. Our staff will arrive between 6:10 AM - 6:20 AM for your pickup.
第四站: Mansfield (在此休息並租借雪具)
Departure Time: 9:00 am
Address: 39 Malcolm St Mansfield VIC 3722 Australia
Please be ready at 8:30 AM. Our staff will arrive between 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM for your pickup.
終點站: Mount Buller
Arrival time: apx 10:10am
Address: Mount Buller bus car park
Pick up @ Mansfield - 2/3日遊之旅客 ,第 2/3天早上於此上車前往雪山
Departure Time: 9:00 am
Address: 39 Malcolm St Mansfield VIC 3722 Australia
Please be ready at 8:30 AM. Our staff will arrive between 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM for your pickup.
From Mt Buller to Melbourne transportation 每日回程停靠地點及時間
第一站: Mount Buller - 當天於此集合點集合下山
Departure Time: 16:00pm
Address: Mount Buller bus car park
Please arrive 15 min before departure time.
第二站: Mansfield
Departure Time: 17:10 pm - 2/3日遊之旅客 在此下車住宿
Address: 39 Malcolm St Mansfield VIC 3722 Australia
第三站: Glen Waverly
Departure Time: 19:40pm
Address: Glen Waverley Bus Station, 82 Railway Parade N, Glen Waverley VIC 3150, Australia
第四站: Box Hill
Departure Time: 20:00pm
Address: 913 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128, Australia
終點站: Melbourne CBD
ArrivelTime: 20:30pm
Address:355 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000 ( out front old Melbourne Jail )
雪山下雪具於 Mansfield 領取,您可自行預定需要之雪具並且於
第四站: Mansfield Alzburg Ski Hire (在此休息並租借雪具)領取
Address: 39 Malcolm St Mansfield VIC 3722 Australia
雪山上雪具於Mt Buller領取,您可自行預定需要之雪具並且於
George's Ski Hire Mt Buller
Address: 4 Athlete's Walk, 3723 Mt Buller
Located in the heart of Mt Buller’s village centre, on Athlete’s walk, we are only meters from Buller’s first lift.
2/3 日游住宿酒店 預訂須知
2/3日遊住宿酒店於 Mansfield Alzburg Resort
Check-in time is 3 pm, however, if you are arriving earlier, you are welcome to store your luggage until your room is ready.
If you are arriving after hours (6 pm), please notify us of your arrival time so that we can make arrangements with the evening manager.
If you did not provide the bedding configuration during the reservation please get in contact with our reservations team, if we have not heard from you by the day prior to your arrival we will assume you want king beds.
1. 司機從到達山頂一直到下午的集合時間是必須的休息時間,客人無法在遊覽車上停留,必須要離開遊覽車。
2. 下山時請預留Shuttles bus的等候時間,週間一小時,週末為一個半小時。
3. 雪山上如果發生任何意外,請先告知雪山的工作人員求救,再跟司機聯絡。
4. 大巴停車場是CarPark2,再坐shuttlesbus的時候務必跟司機告知要在CarPark2下車,不然Shuttlebus會直接去其他停車場。
5. 雪山狀況多變化,無法保證回程時間,我社無法為因延誤所造成的損失賠償,謝謝理解
1. 可自行於官方網站預定需要之雪山纜車及教練課程,預定網址 : https://www.mtbuller.com.au
** 自行預定之產品,若需更改或退費,一律與本社無關,請自行諮詢預定方
2. 若預定雪山纜車,務必另行購買B-TAG。
3. 教練課程建議預定下午13:30之時段,早上時段可能因交通或因領取雪具、纜車而有所延誤。
